Wakeboarding vs Kitesurfing

If you’re thinking about getting into a board sport, you may be wondering how wakeboarding compares to kitesurfing. It’s an excellent question since these two activities have a lot of parallels and utilize similar types of boards.

Wakeboarding and kitesurfing, for example, have several distinctions. The first is that wakeboarding uses engine-powered traction, whereas kitesurfing depends on the power of wind.

In terms of riding enjoyment, learning curve, equipment and cost, how does wakeboarding compare to kitesurfing? Is it possible for skills to cross from one sport to the next?

Wakeboarding and kitesurfing both use traction-based board riding techniques, although they differ in terms of speed and kite flying expertise. Wakesailing has greater speeds than kitesurfing, whereas kitesurfing requires a different set of skills.

Wakeboarding is more physically demanding than regular kitesurfing. Wakeboarding is a lot more controlled than kitesurfing, so practicing wakeboarding might help you learn how to kitesurf quicker.

In this article, we examine how the two sports compare and how practicing one might help you improve at the other.

Wakeboarding vs kiteboarding riding experience

Wakeboarding is comparable to water skiing in that it involves being pulled by a boat (or a cable), but you ride on a board in a snowboard-like stance. Here are some key distinctions between wakeboarding and kitesurfing:

Horizontal or vertical traction

The distinction between wakeboarding and kitesurfing is that while in wakeboard, speed comes from horizontal rope traction from the boat or cable, in kitesurfing, the traction is usually much more vertical – but the angle of the lines will differ depending on where your kite is positioned.

Upper body vs core focus

Another distinction is that, in wakeboarding, all of the power from the pull is transferred to your arms and upper body through the handle you grip, whereas in kitesurfing, most of the force goes via the harness into your hips and core – there’s almost no pull in the kite control bar. In wakeboarding, you kite with your arms like you would if they were unhooked.


A third distinction is that wakeboarding requires towing the rider at speeds of 20 to 30 mph for pleasant riding, depending on boat type (speeds differ from one boat to the next), rider expertise, rope length, and other factors. In ordinary conditions, most kitesurfers cruise comfortably at speeds ranging from 15 to 20 mph.

The second distinction is that in wakeboarding, speed is almost constant from the boat. There’s also no control over it. Speed varies significantly in kitesurfing due to changes in the wind, water surface, and rider-controlled kite power.

Wind vs flatwater conditions

Another distinction between wakeboarding and kitesurfing is the type of optimum riding circumstances. While wind (generally 10+ knots) is required for kitesurfing, perfect smooth and glassy water – which requires no wind or waves – is ideal for wakeboarding.

Riding stance and board angle

Last, I’ll emphasize a key distinction: riding stance and board position. Riding wake is nearer to a 50-50 weight distribution between the legs of the board than kitesurfing stance – unless you’re doing wake style kiteboarding.

It’s also easy to ride on the flat of your board while just riding behind the boat, as you’re being pulled horizontally at a constant speed. The robust rocker of your board allows you to ride flat (see next section). When riding on the side of the ship or performing stunts, you’ll generally edge.

In kiteboarding, on the other hand, you almost always must edge and ride on the rail to keep tension in your lines and thus power in your kite – riding flat for more than a brief time, whether going downwind or not, is likely to result in slack lines and kite stalling or outright dropping out of the sky.

Differences between a wakeboard and a kiteboard

The primary reason many individuals relate wakeboarding to kiteboarding is due to the boards’ similarities, both rectangular and symmetrical in shape with comparable sizes.

While wakeboards and kiteboards may appear to be similar, there are several significant distinctions between them.


Kiteboards have considerably more rocker (typically 3 inches vs 1 inch for kiteboats) owing to their design as speedier, more constant-powered vessels without the user having any control over speed. Water friction is reduced, making it more likely that the board will be caught and flipped out.

Rocker reduces riding on flat and makes it simpler and safer. Wakeboards have a lot of grove and drag due to the rocker.

Kiteboards, on the other hand, focus on planning (floating) with less pull power rather than speed, resulting in a smaller amount of rocker and a greater contact surface with water. In comparison, a wakeboard has only 1/3 to 1/2 of the board in contact.


Wakeboards and kiteboards are both constructed of similar materials and techniques, with the exception that kiteboards are made to be lighter (4-6 lbs vs. 7-8 lbs) and more flexible than wakeboards.

A kiteboard’s flexibility enables it to accept chop and improve efficiency in comparison to a boat. A more flexible board also allows the rider to make tight turns by changing course.

Wakeboards, on the other hand, are far stiffer since they’re meant to ride in extremely flat water and at faster speeds. Wakeboards don’t need to perform as tight turns because the rider is unable to turn backwards. Wakestyle kiteboards flex closer to wakeboards for increased pop, more snap, and quicker response in the air.

Foot bindings and fins

Wakeboards have foot strap systems, whereas kiteboards are almost always equipped with fullboot bindings. Except for wakestyle kiteboard, all other types of wakeboard ships come with foot strap arrangements.

Kitesurfing boots are specifically created to allow kitesurfers to quickly remove their feet from the bindings. The unpredictable nature of the kitesurfing environment, such as wind gusts and lulls, waves, and obstructions, necessitates this capability.

When your feet aren’t connected to the board, getting into waterstart position is much simpler. Kiteboarders frequently must edge and typically change their fete position within the footstraps.

The smaller fins on wakeboards, again owing to a lesser emphasis on rail edging and often higher speed, reflect the lesser importance of wakeboarding. Wakeboarders frequently eliminate all but the smallest fins for obstacle tricks (e.g., kickers and sliders), whereas kiteboarders employ even small fins for freestyle movements.

Does wakeboarding help with learning to kitesurf?

In a nutshell, the answer is yes. Wakeboarding allows you to concentrate on board riding abilities without having to worry about where the kite is. The only thing left to learn is how to fly and control a kite once you know how to ride a wakeboard.

Wakeboarders learn to kitesurf much more quickly than others, sometimes by a few days!

Waterstart is similar to waterstarting in wakeboarding and kitesurfing, so it’s a skill that may be transferred from wakeboaring to kitesurfing. However, since the horizontal line and the strong pull in the arms are quite different from the kiting sensation, being a seasoned kitesurfer didn’t make much difference.

When the wind isn’t available, some kiteboarders choose wakeboarding for cross-training. Wakeboarding allows them to practice board skills such as popping and edging, changing stance, and jumping that are applicable to kiteboarding.

The greatest method to wakeboard for kitesurfing training is to go session at a cable park, which offers you a feeling similar to a kite session with consistent and limitless wind. Go with your kiteboard and regular kite footstraps, and have the cable (or boat) tow you at low speed.

By looping around the cable corners while focusing on edging (vs. flat riding), you’ll be better able to develop your kiting abilities.

Wakeboarding vs kiteboarding physical requirements

To hold the handle during a wakeboarding session, you must have a lot of arm and upper body strength. The pull in kitesurfing, on the other hand, goes mostly through the harness, so the core muscles (abs, lumbar, hips, upper legs) are used less.

Longer sessions with less arm tiredness As a result, kiting allows for considerably longer periods of time.

Kiteboarders that go wakeboarding for the first time quickly become tired after 15 minutes because of the tough upper body workout from hanging on to the tow rope and transferring the pull from their arms to their lower back and legs down to their board. However, improving riding stance, body posture, and handle grip can help reduce lower-body strain.

Nonetheless, most kiteboarders feel that wakeboarding is more difficult on the body than kitesurfing. Most kiters can ride for 2 to 4 hours at a time without difficulty, but after 15-20 minutes of wakeboarding, they are compelled to take a break since their upper bodies become tired.

Overall, wakeboarding is a more difficult and unforgiving sport than kitesurfing. Wakeboard sessions can be compared to a 30-minute kite session in which you’re unattached and riding upwind!

Wakeboarding vs kitesurfing cost and accessibility

Because of the requirement for a boat, wakeboarding is more expensive than kitesurfing. A ski boat generally costs $50K or more to purchase. Maintenance and operating expenses, as well as fuel, must also be considered.

Of course, if you’re in a hurry or don’t want to drive, renting a boat (for example, from $70 per hour) is an option. Going to a cable park instead of paying for parking may be less expensive; some charge 2-hour passes for $35 and all-day passes for $55.

The cost of purchasing a wakeboard, bindings and boots varies greatly. A helmet, a wetsuit, rope and handle, an impact vest/buoyancy jacket, and an inflatable boat are all optional accessories.

Unless you’re a professional, it’s important to note that kitesurfing equipment costs more than windsurfing equipment. Kitesurfing outfits start at just under $1500 for fresh gear, which includes only a single kite and may not be appropriate for all wind ranges.

Unlike wakeboarding, there are no additional expenses for going riding (no boat fuel/maintenance/insurance or rental or cable park passes), allowing kitesurfing to be a more affordable alternative.

The opportunities for wakeboarding and kitesurfing are two other key differences to consider. You may or may not have easy access to a ski boat and/or cable ski park near your home, and you may or may not have enough time to prepare the boat for each session.

On the other hand, how quickly you can go kitesurfing is determined by how near the nearest location is and how often you get strong winds per year.

In general, people are more inclined to live near a windy lake or beach for kitesurfing than to have a boat or cable park accessible. For all of these reasons, I believe that kitesurfing holds the advantage!