How to Measure Wakeboard Size

Wakeboarding has earned a reputation in the world of extreme sports for being one of the most dangerous sports. A properly sized wakeboard can help you minimize your high-risk odds. When it comes to wakeboarding, getting your wakeboard sizing correct is critical.

A wakeboard size chart makes this sort of stuff much easier to handle. So, what is the appropriate size of wakeboarding? What is wakeboarding, exactly? This post will answer all of these questions for you.

What is Wakeboarding?

Skateboarding is one of the most well-known worldwide leisure activities, and its rapid rise has helped it to become one of the most well-known worldwide sports. The distinctive style of the activity, as well as unconstrained fashion innovation involved in this sector, has made it one of today’s most popular games phenomenon.

Wakeboarding’s reputation among the other extreme sports is quite good. It is currently the world’s fastest-growing, as well as one of the most popular, extreme games.

Intense sports like wakeboarding, for example, need a high degree of preparedness, both physical and mental, as well as stamina. Wakeboarding is unquestionably considered one such sport.

The participant rides across the surface of the water using a flat and long wakeboard, towed in the back of a motorboat at a speed of 30 to 40 kilometers per hour, in this game.

The sport of wakeboarding was created in the early 1980s. At first, it was known as Skurfing. The game was popular in New Zealand and Australia. For towing, they employed binding-less, hand-crafted boards at first.

Wakeboarding can be popular in a variety of countries across the world, including The Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Great Britain, the United States of America, Austria, Mexico, Poland, Belgium, and Norway.

What Do You Need For Wakeboarding?

The equipment required for wakeboarding may be divided into two categories: the basic necessities and the optional extras.

The necessities include

  • Wakeboard
  • Wakeboard Fins
  • Wakeboard Binding 
  • Wakeboard Boats 

The supplimenteries include

  • Wetsuit
  • Life Vest
  • Wakeboard Line
  • Helmet

Let’s Talk About Wakeboards

The main equipment of this game is the surfboard. The latest boards are made of foam, honeycomb, or wood with resin and fiberglass covering them. Metal screws are a good way to attach bindings and fins to a metal screwdriver.

The width of the board has an immediate impact on how it sits in the water, and its length is proportionate to the rider’s weight. The shape of the board has a big influence on how it performs in the water.

The tip region, center area, and tail region are the most significant areas in which the board’s breadth is important. The board has a more aggressive turn when the tip area is narrower and the tails are wider, but broader tails and tips allow for different stunts.

The larger the middle area, the more it rebounds and is suited for water.

The period of the board is very important in determining the rider’s driving style. A tiny board appears to be lighter and spins more quickly, but it has difficulties landing because of its size. A bigger surfboard, on the other hand, works slowly and effortlessly.

The typical wakeboards that are currently popular with riders are five feet long, two feet broad in the middle, and blunt tip and tail.

Wait, Wakeboards Come in Different Types?!

A rocker is the curve on a wakeboard that runs from the tip to the tail. We may distinguish four distinct sorts of wakeboards depending on this.

Continuous Rocker Board

A continuous rocker has a fluid, sinuous form. Continuous rockers enable you to travel over turns more easily and provide quick, swish rides. On a continuous rocker wakeboard, you’ll be able to generate plenty of speed.

When you hit the wake and go into extension, the boat’s speed and a very predictable pop (height) send you out into the flats. Rockerwakeboards are fantastic for carving on those smooth, glassy mornings.

Hybrid Rocker

Rocker profiles are typed with the following names: Hybrid 3-Stage, blended 3-Stage, Abrupt Continious, and Hybrid Rocker. Consumers have a variety of options from which to choose.

Three-stage Rocker:

A three-stage rocker on a wakeboard creates three distinct planes beneath the board, similar to the Styrofoam plate used in Taco Del Mar’s grilled halibut tacos. A three-stage rocker adds extra pop (height) to your wakeboarding recount.

However, in all situations, an extra rocker isn’t necessarily better. A wakeboard has a looser or slippery feel at the water’s surface when it is driven by a rocker with a stronger flair for theatrics. Additionally, because of the shape of the board, which causes it to plow in place of cutting through the water,

Your fins are far less powerful than you imagined. You must also rely more on edging the wakeboard. Flatter middle areas on three-stage rocker wakeboards create a greater impact when landing and result in a somewhat slower experience after landing.

Camber Rocker

The newest wakeboard profile, camber, is derived from traditional ski and snowboard shapes. Camber allows you to feel more centered than a continuous or 3-level rocker line while also correcting your weight distribution in the water. Expect an pleasant surprise when you understand how it works!

So, How Do I Pick The Best One?

If you were told that wakeboard size didn’t matter, I’d advise you think it over again. It appears to me that length has a good memory. However, each style has its own size limit.

You can’t go into a store these days without being assaulted by boards that are so huge you’d think they were ships on their own. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of this technology.

The wakeboard length that works for you is determined by your weight and style of driving. The manufacturer provides precise wakeboard sizing recommendations for each version.

Determine whether you’ll be borrowing a wakeboard by the weight of the user who uses it the most or the heaviest rider. Wakeboards with insufficient length to waft them adequately can irritate riders. However, there is a wide range of lengths accessible in today’s wakeboards.

The wakeboard under the desk shows the right range for a given change in weight. It’s vital to pick the correct board ranger, especially if you’re light, since a wakeboard that isn’t long enough to drift you adequately might be annoying.

What Kind of Wakeboards Does the Pro Use?

The advantages of wakeboarding are numerous. Most individuals choose a model after thorough research and testing. Some have a list of characteristics that match their wakeboarding style. As a result, when they’re looking for which board to purchase, they check only the list.

Many people prefer a certain wakeboard size. Because they consider a variety of elements, such as their riding height, balance, and so on. As a result, they don’t always follow the wakeboard sizing chart. Most riders select boards that are between 1.38 and 1.42 meters long.

However, Harvley Clifford reminded the new riders that safety should come first for every player. “Do you want a board that handles well on the water and tracks into eddies easily, or do you want a board that is forgiving?” she asked.

Wakeboard Sizing Based on Riding Style:

Shorter Boards

What if you simply disregard the wakeboard sizing chart and go with the one that seems most comfortable to you and fits your riding style? We’ve gathered enough data to assist you in making an informed decision.


  • Because they have a greater density, they require more force and effort to slide across the aquatic surface.
  • They’re slower than normal taller boards.
  • It’s simple to add flourishes like spins, aerial tricks, and so on.
  • It has a little more difficulty in landing.
  • This is better for inverted riding.


  • Better Edge Control: 

If your skateboard is smaller, it’ll be narrower as well as less wide. This implies faster and higher edge-to-edge control because you have less surface to put pressure on. It’s easier to modify from edge-to-edge because you have fewer surfaces to apply force on.

  • Better for Aerial Tricks and Inverts:

The higher the center of gravity, the slower the boat goes. The lighter a brick is, the more airtime it has! A feather may fall heavier than a brick. The same can be said for boards of various sizes; a smaller board will provide you with just a tiny bit more airtime after generating wake or kickers.

You’ll also observe that smaller boards are higher for inverts, and there’s a purpose for it. All old-style riders used boards with dimensions of 137/138 all the time because they were designed to be bounced on.

  • Faster Edging:

That’s not it! Because the edge is more focused, it has a lot more grip. This basically implies that because the portion of your board that remains in the water is smaller, it has less drag. Less drag equals higher speed!

A smaller board will come up with a lot of speed if you want to edge hard and lock your knees, so you’ll destroy sound barriers!

  • Faster Flips and Spins: 

A lightweight board is easier to turn and spin on every occasion you use it, therefore there’s less strain on your legs. In the end, no one cherishes turning with a heavy brick tied to their leg.


  • Taxing for the Body:

When you ride a wakeboard in a shorter length manner, your board’s floating capabilities are greatly reduced. As a consequence, the experience consumes additional electricity and time.

  • Hard Landing:

Because there is less floor space, a hard landing will have a lesser impact. You are not some kind of superhuman being with metal knees to replace. So, if your knees are sensitive, keep that in mind.

Longer Boards:

What if you go for the biggest wakeboard that you feel most comfortable in and matches your riding style? We’ve gathered enough information to assist you make an educated decision.


  • Because a longer board is heavier, it is more difficult to transport.
  • Easier to get the hang of since they are easier to manage.
  • With these bad boys, landing is easier!
  • It’s more difficult to master aerial moves.


  • Floaty floaty!

The word “independent” is an interesting concept when it comes to snowboards. It’s something you’ll certainly see in the snowboard world, as a huge size implies many floating capabilities! Riding on water takes less of your energy and results in a simple, swish journey as a result of greater floating abilities.

  • Flexy flex!

The finest aspect about utilizing a lengthy board is that you have extra floor space, followed by your binding! Which gives you more room to press your board and get the most out of its flex pattern.

  • Softy softy lands!

Larger sizes result in softer landings. This makes landing softer and less challenging at the knees. A lengthy length is the best option for anybody who wants to move huge off-kickers but has knee problems that can’t cope with the force!


  • Harder To Do Inverts:

A larger board is heavier. In addition, a large floor area tends to “cling” more to the water. We’re no longer saying that inverts are impossible (a long way from), and you’ll notice that busting out an invert takes up extra energy and strength.

  •  Less Edge Control:

We brought it up a few times before: additional surface area! Another disadvantage is that you have an even bigger board that takes longer to respond after travelling from your toeside to your heelside.

  • Tougher Aerial Tricks:

What did you think when you first looked at this? It’s a lot of surfaces and a lot of weight, right? The heavier board is more resistant to flipping and spinning.

A huge board, on the other hand, is a lot of fun. There’s a fine art to overdoing it, though. As a result, don’t pick an enormous board that you wouldn’t be able to flip.

Now Let’s Get to Know About Wakeboard Bindings:

Wakeboard boots keep your feet locked to the board. They’re also known as wakeboard boots, and their action will therefore have a huge impact on your wakeboarding experience. In fact, the boots are so essential that despite the fact that they ride a wakeboard, almost all riders prefer having their own set of bindings.

Fortunately, the bindings are simply swapped out, and they fit on any wakeboard, so every rider can be certain that their board is the most comfortable and simple ride possible!

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing wakeboard bindings, including flex, various sorts of binding designs, and how they fit. It’s essential to figure out what will work best for you in each category so that you can pick the correct wakeboard bindings.