Can You Wear Ski Goggles over Glasses 2024

Ski goggles are a crucial part of any skier’s gear. But did you know that wearing ski goggles over glasses is possible? Yes, it is!

In fact, it’s becoming more common for skiers to wear prescription glasses under their goggles than not.

This makes sense when you think about how many people wear contact lenses on the slopes.

It’s not uncommon for some athletes to even remove their lenses while skiing or snowboarding because they don’t want them getting damaged by falling debris (or simply because they’re tired of having them on).

However, if you’re not comfortable going without your contacts while skiing or snowboarding, then OTG (over-the-glasses) ski goggles might be the best option for you.

Yes, you can wear ski goggles over glasses.

You can wear ski goggles over glasses. Ski goggles are designed to fit over glasses, and there is no need to worry about them being too tight or uncomfortable.

It’s easy to find the right fit for your face and glasses when you take the time to find a pair of goggles that fits correctly.

Goggles should sit comfortably on your face without being too loose or too tight. They should be positioned so that they create a seal around your eyes and prevent any water from getting in while you are skiing down the mountain.

You do not want them to feel loose enough so that they become distracting, but also not so tight that they leave marks on your face after taking them off at the end of each day.

Over-the-glasses (OTG) ski goggles are specially designed with extra space to fit over prescription glasses or sunglasses.

If you wear prescription glasses or sunglasses, there are over-the-glasses (OTG) ski goggles that can fit over them.

OTG goggles have a larger lens area and wider frame to accommodate the added width of your frames.

These goggles are designed specifically for people who wear glasses so they don’t interfere with your vision or head gear when you’re on the slopes.

However, it’s important to note that these types of goggles are not suitable for use with contact lenses, because they will fog up with regular use and could damage your eyesight if you continue wearing them while skiing/snowboarding.

The size of OTG ski goggles can vary between manufacturers and models.

  • You should be aware that the size of OTG ski goggles can vary between manufacturers and models.
  • If you have a pair of glasses or sunglasses, you’ll want to make sure that the goggles are large enough to fit over them comfortably. OTG goggles typically come in medium or large sizes.
  • If the fit is too tight, this could cause fogging inside the goggle lenses and make it difficult for you to see clearly while skiing down the mountain. On the other hand, if they’re too loose they won’t offer much protection from wind or debris either!

The best way to find out which size fits you best is by trying on different pairs before making a purchase decision.

Getting the correct fit is important because ill-fitting goggles can cause fogging, which means your vision is obscured and can make your eyes sore.

Getting the correct fit is important because ill-fitting goggles can cause fogging, which means your vision is obscured and can make your eyes sore.

“Ill fitting goggles are uncomfortable and can even cause headaches,” says Jessica Holman, a certified vision therapist at the College of Optometry at University of Houston.

To get the best possible fit for your glasses:

  • Put on your ski goggles first to test for comfort and to ensure that it’s not too big or small for you.
  • If you’re wearing contact lenses, remove them before trying on any pairs of sunglasses or goggles so that they don’t get damaged by rubbing against the lenses when you put them on later (and vice versa).
  • Try different styles of goggles from different manufacturers—it may take some trial-and-error before finding one that meets all these criteria: It doesn’t interfere with your glasses’ frames; it doesn’t press uncomfortably against your face; no part of it hangs down lower than any other part in front or behind so that there’s no pressure point between the two areas where contact occurs (which could cause irritation).

If you wear contact lenses, you don’t need OTG goggles, but you still need to ensure that your goggles fit comfortably and won’t cause fogging.

If you wear contact lenses, you don’t need OTG goggles.

Contact lenses are a better option for many people because they’re more comfortable, easier to clean, cheaper and can be worn for longer periods of time.

If you do choose to wear glasses with your ski goggles, make sure that your goggles fit comfortably and won’t cause fogging or pressure on your eyes.

Get comfortable, good-fitting OTG goggles for skiing safely.

  • Get the right size. Wearing ski goggles over glasses can be uncomfortable if they don’t fit your face well. Make sure that you get ski goggles that are the right size for your head and also have a good seal against your skin to keep out dirt, snow, wind and cold temperatures.
  • Get a proper fit. Skiing with insufficiently fitting lid makes it more difficult to keep an eye on what’s happening in front of you—which is not only dangerous but also kind of counterintuitive if all you’re trying out there is new tricks on the slopes!
  • Purchase anti-fog lenses for added protection against fogging issues when skiing in cold weather conditions with moisture-producing activities like breathing heavily from exertion or being outside during wet weather conditions such as rain or snowfall.


The bottom line is that you can wear ski goggles over glasses. If you’ve got a pair at home and want to go skiing, get your OTG goggles today!