What Kind of Paint Do You Use on a Surfboard

Painting your surfboard is a fantastic way to spice up your surfing experience. And, while painting a surfboard is rather straightforward, there are a few things to consider before you start.

The first, and most crucial, step is to figure out what sort of paint you should use on a surfboard. Water-based acrylic paints are ideal for surfboards. This is due to the fact that acrylic adheres to the fiberglass of your board without damaging it.

Acrylics have a great deal of shine and are highly water-resistant. Use enamel-based paints only on a surfboard. These will harm your board, making it fragile and discolored.

Spray paint or paint pens may be used, but brush-on acrylic is the most secure option. 

How to Paint a Surfboard

Painting a surfboard is rather simple. However, you’ll need the following materials:

  • Acetone
  • Fine sandpaper (320 grit)
  • 1 whiteboard marker
  • Painter’s tape (or masking tape)
  • Acrylic paints
  • Brushes
  • Mixing tray (if blending colors)
  • 1 can of clear coat spray (preferably UV resistant)
  • Face mask (if using spray paint)
  • Gloves
  • Eye protection

1. Clean the Surfboard

To paint a brand-new board, simply clean the body with a rag. However, if you’re painting an old board, you should spend more time cleaning it meticulously. Melt any wax away with the aid of the sun and then use a wax comb to remove it.

Wipe down the entire board with a clean cloth sprayed with surfboard cleaner or surfboard-friendly cleanser. Check for any residue, dirt, or wax before going on.

2. Rub the Surfboard with Acetone

Rubbing the board down with acetone is an excellent method to get rid of any wax or dirt that may be on it. This step is not necessary, but it will guarantee that your paint adheres as well as possible.

Acetone is a very affordable and readily available chemical. Apply acetone to the entire surface of the board using a paper towel, then apply it to the table as needed. Acetone is also quite inexpensive and may be purchased at nearly any grocery or convenience store.

3. Sand the Surfboard

Using a fine grit sandpaper, rub down the entire board. This will also aid in the paint’s adhesion. A sander is also beneficial here. Do not sand too much or you’ll harm the fiberglass; aim for around 400-600 grit paper.

Use the appropriate grit for the specific task. For best results, use a fine-grade sandpaper such as 320 or finer (280 to 320) on very smooth wood. If you have an electric sander, it can also be used.

Wipe any residual dust away after sanding.

4. Draw the design’s outline

After the board is cleaned and sanded, you may then start to outline your design. To draw your design on the board, use a whiteboard marker. This lets you to fix any mistakes before you apply paint.

If you choose, you may cover certain parts of the board with painter’s tape. This can assist with intricate patterns. If required, cover larger areas with newspaper clippings to conceal minor mistakes.

5. Paint

This is the portion of the project that allows you to express yourself. It’s time to start painting. We recommend first spraying if you’re using a mix of spray paint and acrylic paint. Allow the spray paint to dry before applying with a brush-on acrylic. Paint pens are useful for adding small details.

6. Let the Board Dry

Allow the board to dry for 24 hours after applying your design. It should be totally dry to the touch before going on with the clearcoating process.

7. Clear Coat the Board

Finish by applying a glossy or matte clear coat after the paint has dried thoroughly. This will keep the paint from fading. It will also make the board seem brand new.

Before applying a clear coat, clean the surface with a rag to remove any particles. 2-3 applications of your protective clear finish is recommended. Allow each layer to dry fully before adding another.

Tips for Painting a Surfboard

  • Use the same manufacturer’s paint as much as possible. This guarantees that the paints will mix properly.
  • If your design is complex, it may be a good idea to draw a prototype on paper before painting the board itself.
  • Prevent any hazardous fumes or chemicals from harming you by wearing a facemask and gloves.
  • Paint your surfboard outside, if possible!

Can You Paint a Foamie

Foam boards are becoming increasingly popular among surfers of all levels of experience. The good news is that you can also paint a foamie. When it comes to painting a foam surfboard, however, there are a few special things to bear in mind:

Spray paints are more suitable for foam boards since they adhere better to the smooth, textured surface of these toys.

When sanding a foam board, be especially careful. They aren’t as robust as hard top boards, so don’t damage your foamie while sanding.