How To Choose Your First Wakeboard

Once you’ve been bitten by the wakeboarding bug, it’s difficult to quit. It’s one of the most addicting sports on the planet, and it isn’t just because of the fantastic exercise it delivers. Wakeboarding is an exciting and riotous experience. Beginners will want to keep going, while experienced riders will be riding for weeks.

Wakeboarding will fill your days with excitement and anticipation. Every time you go out on the boat, you’ll be yearning to wakeboard and looking forward to every session you’ve booked. It’s a bit of a guilty pleasure! Those who are already used to boarding in snowboarders or skateboarders will take wakeboarding right down.

If you’ve never boarded on the water, you’ll need a wakeboard – your skateboard won’t suffice being towed by a boat on the water now, will it? Let’s look at some of the important information about wakeboarding.

Type Of Wakeboard

There are three different types of Wakeboards:

  1. Beginners Wakeboards
  2. Intermediate Wakeboards
  3. Advanced Wakeboards

Beginner surfboards are often more forgiving than intermediate and advanced ones. Getting a specialized board too early isn’t worth it, like surfing or snowboarding. If you go too far ahead of yourself board-wise, you may harm your progress.

What do beginning wakeboards look like?

Beginners wakeboards generally have squared-off edges, making it easier to maintain a more stable and controlled wakeboarding experience. You won’t be landing flips yet, so start with a board so you can get more confidence on the water when being towed.

Should You Choose A Single or Twin Tipped Wakeboard

Single-tipped or double-tipped wakeboards are available. Single-tipped boards are utilized to go in one direction since they have one pointed tip and one square end. Because most wakeboards these days are twin-tipped, you’ll need a double-tipped board if you want a single-tipped wakeboard.

How Big Should Your Wakeboard Be

You should get a wakeboard that is appropriate for your weight and height. If you’re a beginner, you’ll want to go with something larger since learning on them will be easier and they’ll also help you develop confidence and hone your balancing abilities when training.

A wider board is best for more experienced riders who want to perform more tricks, because they don’t carve as well in the water but are great for landing from heights.

How Much Should Your Wakeboard Curve

The rocker is the amount your wakeboard curves at the extremities. A board with a lot of rocker has a more rounded bottom, whereas a low-rocker board has a flatter base.

The base of a continuous rocker board has a more gentle curvature, which are the ideal boards for novice to medium-advanced skaters. Continuous rockers deliver a more predictable and smoother ride.

The three-stage rocker is a stronger design that can handle bigger wake sizes and provides a more aggressive feel. More rocker means the speed of power output is smoother, while less rocker allows landing jumps and tricks to be completed with ease.

What Kind Of Fins Should My Wakeboard Have

Fins aid in the steerage of the wakeboard. Longer or deeper fins produce a more stable board, which is beneficial to novices. Shallower fins, on the other hand, are an option to consider as you advance.

Faster reaction and smoother turns, or even no fins at all are possible with shallower fins. Start with a board with removeable fins and see which you like better.

What Are Bindings & Do I need Them

Bindings are quite essential. You must get a good set of bindings to ensure that your feet are safe. They should fit tightly but not irritate your feet.

How Much Do Beginners Wakeboards Cost

Wakeboards may not be the most inexpensive sporting equipment available, but they are definitely worth the money if you enjoy the excitement of your sports activities more than purchasing a piece of gym equipment or a set of golf clubs. I’d rather invest in this piece of equipment!